[Eg0_201] M.A.K.T. Sono : 11 songs

M.A.K.T. Sono (Magali Albespy and Kecap Tuyul)’s second album « 11 songs » is made of selected and edited improvisations recorded during the “M.A.K.T. Sono (sans sono)” residency at Le Magasin – Laboratoire de permanence chorégraphique (Mathieu Heyraud) – Saint-Etienne – November 4-9 2018.

Since their beginnings in February 2018  the duo has been working with modular set-ups that are likely to provoke unstable situations (like the soundbox, analog synthesizer and no-input mixer used in their first album “If you were a clarinet”).  This time they played with microphones, voices, analog synthesizers, and small battery-powered amplifiers, forming a modular set-up whose elements can be interconnected in various ways. They also experimented the integration of some song-material in their improvisations.


Direct download links :

Free Music Archive mirror

Bandcamp mirror

eg0_201 / eg0cide.com

Artwork picture by Kecap Tuyul, taken at the end of the “M.A.KT. Sono (sans sono)” residency.

Bonus: videos


Artists Info

Magali Albespy is a dancer and performer. She likes to question the borders between formats and artistic disciplines. She explores real-time composition with body, video and sound.
Self-taught improviser Kecap Tuyul uses various (and preferably unstable) tools, looking for ways of playing and interacting (with sounds, with other media, with other people) and questioning the traditional ideas of instrumental mastership and composition.

M.A.K.T. Sono

band picture by Anne-Catherine Nicoladzé